To begin

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Islamic phrases And abbreviations

Dear Reader,

I was told once that I use words and abbreviations in my posts that often don't mean anything to some readers. For that I sincerely apologise. I decided to set up this page for you, dear reader, if you come across a word/phrase/abbreviation that you are unfamiliar with. However, I've borrowed these definitions from a sister, since my knowledge of the Arabic Language is very limited:   

Subhanahu wa ta’ala (SWT) - Free from imperfection and exalted is He (can be used when taking the name of Allah)

Alhamdulillah - All praise and gratitude belongs to Allah (Usually used to thank God)

Subhanallah - Free (from imperfections) is Allah. (Generally used to express amazement)

Insha’Allah - If Allah wills it (Used when talking about any future event)

Masha’Allah - Allah has willed it (Used when congratulating a person or when talking about some good quality of a person)

Bismillah - In the name of Allah (used when beginning something)

La iIaha  illa Allah - There is no God but Allah

Assalam-u-alaikum - Peace be unto you (When a Muslim meets someone)

Wa’alaikum-massalam m And upon you be peace (Reply to Assalamualaikum)

Astughfirullah - Forgive Me Allah

Jazakallahu Khair - May Allah reward you with good. (Used to thank a person)

Wa iyyakum - And unto you (Reply to the above)

Barakallahu feek - May the blessings of Allah be upon you (I usually use this as a reply to Jazakallahu Khair)

Sallalhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (SAW) - Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him (i.e. PBUH) (Used when mentioning the name of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh))

‘Alayhi salaam (AS) - Upon him be peace (Used when mentioning the name of other prophets (peace be upon them all)

Radhi'Allah hu anha (RA) - May Allah be pleased with him/her (Used after mentioning a companion of the Prophet (pbuh))

If your're still a bit confused, there is this really nice video by DawahAddict, that explain things quite well with correct pronunciation.

I hope that helps and clears away some confusion.