To begin

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Sunday, 27 May 2012

thoughts On writing - Part 2

Dear Reader, 

As I was brooming the kitchen floor this morning, I couldn't help but think that this was what I've been doing my life lately: brooming and brushing away important issues rather than facing them. And one of these issues is my writing ... of the lack there of. 

You see, I might be an introvert, but I'm also a thinker, an observer of life and people, a writer. And more than any of that, I ENJOY writing. That euphoria you get when you write a particular sentence that captures the situation accurately, or the smile that appears after writing a witty turn of phrase, that you know no one will notice but you like it all the same. That's what I've been missing. In these last few months, as I spiralled down a vicious cycle of despair and loneliness, after parting from a certain someone, I seemed to have forgotten all this.

So, even though I might never be published, let alone famous, and maybe no one will ever read what I've written, it should not stop me from doing something I really like doing. Because I actually am a writer, and I will keep on writing.      


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

a Barren wasteland

Image courtesy of
Dear Reader,

I think you must feel really abandoned by now. But I must admit, when it comes to poetry, blogging and even novel writing, my creativity has transformed into a barren wasteland, on which sometimes sprinkles of inspiration fall like sparse rain, that doesn't stick around long enough for anything useful to germinate, and is instead absorbed into the dry nothingness. I'm sorry. That is why I'm finally calling this an official hiatus until I can bring myself to write something worthwhile. 

Take care,
