Dear Reader,
This one's just a quicky.
Unfortunately my brother+father have given my birthday present early. It's "bloody bad timing" if you ask me, because now I've become obsessed with discovering its every cool-new-feature which is gobbling-up my revision time. I'm told that it has the latest 'Android' technology. Now - being tech-illiterate as I am - I have no idea what that means, but it does make for an absolutlely-awesomely-funky-looking mobile phone
My new mobile also has this astounding camera (Aside: I really like names and adjective that begin with 'a' e.g. 'ambrosial avocados' sounds amazing) which has this really cool feature called Touch Capture. It makes taking photos so much easier. So Inshallah, you'll be seeing a lot more pictures of 'Life: as I see it!' in the future.
Here's my first. I hope you like it.
I couldn't decide whether to call it 'my Mess' or 'A view from Behind-my-Desk'. I decided to scrap both titles and go with 'breakfast While revising' - which sums-up the entirety of the past month quite well I believe.
Anyways, I've got to go back to hitting the books - not literally!
I've Just noticed that my Bedroom-colour-scheme matches my blog-colours exactly. Rest assured, this was done by complete coincidence.
ReplyDeletehehehe nice one...